
Monday, April 8, 2013

It has always been my intention to bring the truth to this blog. Since the beginning of the year I have been having a lot more upper abdominal symptoms. I have been spending more days in bed. It seems that I would have acute symptoms be down for 2-3 days and then spend one taking it easy and then the mad dash is on to catch up what has been missed since my initial symptoms began. Then in 3-4 days back down I would go.
I am also have a difficult time keeping weight on. I have lost about 20 plus pounds in the last 13 months. I have reached the lowest weight that I can remember. I believe I am smaller now than when I was 12 years old. I was never a small girl before the term of pancreatitis became an everyday word.
On Wednesday March 28, 2013 I began to have the upper abdominal and back radiating symptoms that I knew were bad. It feels as though someone or something has kicked me in the chest below my sternum. This time I knew it was different I could not go to sleep, normally if I go to bed I will just go to sleep and sleep through most of it.
In the wee hours of the morning my husband was driving me to the ER. I declined admission but was administered pain relief and nausea meds. I forgot to say that as soon as I hit triage I began to vomit as soon as the nurse said " May I help you"? I began to vomit into the bucket I was carrying.
The long short of it all... I had elevated liver enzymes again.
alkaline phosp  261
AST ( SGOT) 230
Alt   (SGPT) 155
It has been almost 2 weeks and I am still not back to me. I stay tired and don't have much stamina. I was given a referral to a local GI. I tried to call but who ever answered the phone wouldn't make me an appointment because that physician was NOT on call that noc. Even though I don't want to see the one that was on call. On to bigger and better things. I am under no illusions, there was no one here who could help me prior to the tp/ict I doubt that they can now. I still occasionally get the " you can't live without a pancreas". Guess I am dead then! This thing I know I don't have a pancreas and don't WANT one.
On a positive note, had my HA1C checked 6.0 not where I like it to be, but this I can work on. Usually I am 5.7-5.9. I am still within a non diabetic range and want to keep it that way.

About Me

I am a wife and a mom. I have 2 cat children that I adore. I suffered for 10 years with chronic pancreatitis. I suffered horribly, no one should have to live I like I did.