
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My 44th birthday

Today is my 44th birthday. I have spend the last 3 days in bed. This has be happening quite frequently lately. I went to church on Sunday ( the first time in 2 weeks) I knew that I was getting really hungry, and I know this is not good, I was trying to get home to eat. Today is better than Sunday afternoon and yesterday.
I have survived longer than I ever thought. Each day is a miracle, soon I will be a grandmother again.


Seeker said...

Happy belated birthday. I just happened to stumble upon your blog today. I was looking for information about eating restrictions following tp/without ict, and found your blogs [both of them]. My tp is September 24th at the University of Cincinnati Med Center. The surgeon's nurse is a rather unpleasant individual most of the time and, quite frankly, it frightens me to call and ask her questions. I was browsing the internet looking for the types of foods I will eventually eat following the procedure. It is a struggle to eat now, although I stopped losing weight about 2 years ago. My metabolism has shutdown. I don't look forward to eating again, mostly I think, because I am afraid it will still hurt. Anyway... just rambling now. It was nice to read your blogs and get a feel for what other people have gone through... and still endure. Thank you for sharing your story!!!

Lisa Atwell said...

I would be glad to speak with you if I had a way to find you. There are many fine yahoo groups that deal with this subject. Google Total pancreatectomy, there are more people out there than you have been led to believe.

Seeker said...

Thank you for your offer to talk. I apologize if this message seems a little cryptic, but am hoping you can figure out the clues. My screen name is seeker636. Contact can be made via yahoo or google. Having someone to talk to who has been in this situation would be a great comfort. I have a lot of loving support; but, in addition to the unusual nature of this disease, I also suffer from severe panic attacks whenever a medical professional is involved. I trust the doctor and the hospital staff, but that does not help to alleviate my irrational fears. Perhaps I am doubly blessed by finding you... maybe you can also help me to understand a nurses point of view and suggestions I can use to be as cooperative as possible while they are trying to help me heal. Thank you, Lisa... you may be the answer to my prayers.

Lisa Conroy said...

Hi Lisa.My name is also Lisa. i was hoping to get some tips on post pancreatitis problems and advice. Last October my 11 yr old daughter was diagnosed with pancreatitis. It took several weeks for them to figure it out and I almost lost her since she went from 71 lbs to 59 lbs in 3 short weeks. She was in so much pain, slept all day and night, vomited non stop. She made it thru after spending several weeks in the hospital, battled an infection in her picc line(absolutely horrible experience) and 5 months of tpn/lipid feeding thru her picc. This last week she started showing signs of shortness of breath and complained of chest pain. her xray showed pneumonia and her bloodwork results showed high hemoglobin and c reactive protein elevation. Do you have any advice to share with me? Will I always have to worry about her being sick or does this get better in time? Any information or tips is welcomed.

Lisa Atwell said...

Lisa Conroy you didn't leave a way for me to contact you. If you look when you write a comment I think you will see my email address where you can email me directly. Keep in mind that I speak from personal experiences, although I am a nurse I can only share my experiences, I am not giving medical advice. That said if you email me I think I can get you to talk with another lady who had a 5 year old with pancreatitis.

Judy said...

My name is Judy.I've got a question for you.My husband is in the hospital and was just diagnosed with pancreatitis.i really can't figure out what foods to eat and which ones to avoid after reading articles online.a lot of them contridict each other.Can you tell the answer I'm needing so my husband can feel better when he comes home?We don't know anything about this condition.Thank you so much.

Lisa Atwell said...

I am NOT a physician and the Dr should be the one to order the type of diet your husband should consume. It is however common for people with pancreatitis to have a low fat diet ordered. It was my experience that this was of no assistance to me. Anything I ate caused me pain, if by chance I ate something one time and it did not cause pain, that did not mean the next time I consumed it that it did not leave me rolling in the floor. That is what is so difficult about pancreatitis. It would seem to me that taking it slow would not hurt. You could ask the physician for a dietary consult, this would assist you to know what is low fat. How many fat grams he should have in a day, and exact what types of fats are better for him. You don't mention the cause of the pancreatitis. I wish there were more that I can or could offer you. I highly suggest that you look into joining a few yahoo groups for those with or caring for those with pancreatitis. This disease is very difficult to treat and there are few physicians who truely know what those suffering from this disease need. There are many theories but few absolutes.

rozf1288 said...

i know this might sound weird but maybe you could try medical marijuana its proven to help nausea and chronic pain and helps with your appetite. you could mix it in oil that you're using for your food so you wont taste it as much as you would in like a cookie or brownie.. it really is worth a shot its not an addicting drug there are no side effects because hunger and sleeping. it does numb the pain and settle should atleast research it.

rozf1288 said...

i know this might sound weird but maybe you could try medical marijuana its proven to help nausea and chronic pain and helps with your appetite. you could mix it in oil that you're using for your food so you wont taste it as much as you would in like a cookie or brownie.. it really is worth a shot its not an addicting drug there are no side effects because hunger and sleeping. it does numb the pain and settle should atleast research it.

Lisa Atwell said...

In response to the Marijuana post. At the time of my surgery when it was impossible to find any remote pain control, of course I thought about this. For MY situation it was NOT the thing to do. All pain managment clinics require you to sign a contract. In this contract you agree to random drug testing. Any substance not prescribed by that office, they will discharge you as a patient and that information WILL follow you where ever you go forever. Also I am a licensed nurse, and my husband is a Registered Nurse. I would NEVER do anything that would put my license or his license in jeopardy. In the state we live in this is illegal. I could not see for my sitation how using marijuana would help MY situation at all, it would only bring harm to me and those I love. I am not saying anything about anyone else. This disease process is horrible, and there are few physicians who are truely willing to help someone in my situation. It was and still is at times a very long road. But I can't advocate for this one. But I want the information to be here, I don't want to censor any of it. It may help someone else who at the time can't think it through because they are so ill or not informed.

Night said...

Hello. I found your blog through google and wanted to thank you. My husband had acute/necretizing pancreatitis last year and ended up having most of his pancreas and his gallbladder removed. It's so hard to find any info about after care for this situation.

They sent him off with a prescription for pancreatic enzymes, which no one seems to really understand how to use, and one to reduce stomach acid, which was supposed to be temporary but now his gp inexplicably thinks he has to stay on despite the fact he wasn't given it when he was released from hospital. They also never mentioned any kind of special diet.

It's incredibly frustrating trying to find any kind of useful information on this topic.

About Me

I am a wife and a mom. I have 2 cat children that I adore. I suffered for 10 years with chronic pancreatitis. I suffered horribly, no one should have to live I like I did.